20 November 2006

Angels, Angels

There is an angel named Sara, she's got a lot going on. An Army mom and long-time member of Soldiers' Angels, it is fascinating to see how she keeps everything organized. MaryAnn at Soldiers' Angels Germany has story and pictures.

A reader named Deb e-mailed me and sent me the following picture she drew. I admire people who can draw, since that is definitely not one of my talents. She is also a military mom and works with other organizations sending condolences to the families of the fallen. I don't know if she wants to be identified so I will leave it up to her if she would like to comment. Deb wrote:
I first drew the Angel as one of protection, but I also send it out with condolence messages....as a Welcome Home.
One Gold Star Mom said to me........ keep the Angel of Protection going too, our troops need it.

This reminded me of our own Living Legends Team. This is not one of our most visible teams, but it is one of the more important teams. A group of strong hearted people check the lists of the fallen and notifies our angels in cases where the fallen soldier is one who was being supported by Soldiers' Angels. Condolences are sent, and a living tree is sent to the family to be planted in memory of the fallen. This team maintains a blog of tributes to our heroes.

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