15 November 2006

Happy Anniversary!

I was just over at Buck's place, it's his blogiversary! And then I realized I missed my own blogiversary last week.

November 8, 2005 I began blogging at sablogs.com. Then I moved here on September 12, 2006. This makes it a little difficult to compile statistics for number of posts and visits. So instead, let's just finish off the champagne from yesterday.


Buck said...

...let's just finish off the champagne from yesterday.

I'll drink to that!! Happy Anniversary to you, too, Laurie! And thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Anonymous said...

(Belated) Happy Blogiversary!!

Laurie said...

Thanks, everyone. Kathi, I can't comment on your blog because I don't have a myspace thingy. But thanks for visiting and linking :)

Bag Blog said...

I have been off in The City, so I am late wishing you a happy anniversary. You do good stuff:)

I switched to Beta and am having to work at commenting today.