09 November 2006

Where's Noonan?

As Team Air Force lags badly, the question is... Where's Noonan?

Meanwhile, Noonan strolls serenely along a deserted beach, as the Navy ship puts to sea.

As the fresh sea breeze begins to cut through the haze in his head induced by the odors in the bilge he had the pleasure of occupying, he begins to wonder just how he will get off this island. Does anyone miss him? What about the rest of Team Air Force?

Meanwhile, Team Air Force launches search & rescue...

Uhm, Navy? Water? What a bright idea... So off they went into the wild blue yonder in search of some water, one Airman insisting that the backyard swimming pool they passed needed further investigation. However, the urgency of the mission kept them pressing on, until finally, on the last day of the competition...

The only sound was the sound of copious amounts of duct tape being applied to the heads of Team Air Force, lest their brains explode and leak out.

The End.

Epilogue: Noonan remains blissfully unaware of his fashion faux pas, his time on the Navy ship having ruined any sense of fashion he had.

If you thought this story was funny, hit the donation button for Team Air Force.
If you thought this story was mildly amusing, hit the donation button for Team Air Force.
If you thought this story was accurate, hit the donation button for Team Air Force.
If you thought this story was lame, hit the donation button for Team Air Force.
If you think I have found my calling, hit the donation button for Team Air Force.
If you think I shouldn't quit my day job, hit the donation button for Team Air Force.
If you read this story, hit the donation button for Team Air Force.

Linked at Mudville's Open Post.


Buck said...


AFSister said...

that's awesome...

Anonymous said...

WOOFFF!!! Good one, Laurie!

Anonymous said...

Great job, Laurie!